Introduction to text editing and document creation program (MS Word), creating and formatting text, images, tables and charts, tools for footnotes, citations and bibliography. Introduction to presentation creation program (MS Powerpoint).
The aim of the course is to provide students with the basic skills for writing and presenting their work.
Week 1: Online Resources on the Internet. Acquaintance with the IU library, search engines and online subscriptions.
Week 2: Introduction to MS Word - exercises
Week 3: Styling, Contents, Inserting, and Formatting - exercises
Week 4: List organization, bullet points, numbering - exercises
Week 5: Presentation of data in tables - exercises
Week 6: Tools for MS Word footnotes, citations and bibliography. Managing bibliography with Mendeley Tools.
Week 7: Text editing, find and replace function with text/formatting criteria - exercises
Week 8: Introduction to MS Powerpoint, Presentation Building and Editing - exercises
Week 9: Presentation of data with graphs - exercises
Week 10: Practices for Powerpoint Presentations - exercises
Week 11: Exercises in the lab
Week 12: Exercises in the lab
Week 13: Exercises in the lab
Curtis Frye, Joan Lambert, Ελληνικό Microsoft Office 2016 Βήμα Προς Βήμα, εκδ. Μ. Γκιούρδας
Peter Wewerka, Οδηγός του Ελληνικού Microsoft Office 2019, εκδ. Μ. Γκιούρδας
Presentations and exercises in the computer lab.
Written exams in MS Word and Powerpoint assignment.