After a short introduction to the theory of Terminology, Text Linguistics (Textology) and Semantics, the course focuses on the historical period from the Middle Age to the beginning of the 20th century in France (in accordance with the interests of the students) and the related French terminology. Students prepare presentations about the historical period of their choice and learn in this way to study a larger amount of documents in French language as they will do in their future professional life. In the same time, they acquire a best global view of the historical terminology. Work on further consolidation of grammar and syntactic points of the specialized language.
The course aims to increase the knowledge of French grammar and syntactic points typical for documents with historical content and make the students more and more accurate in reading comprehension.
At the end of the course, students are able to read and understand with big accuracy documents about and from different historical periods that they will have to treat in their diploma or later future professional life.
Week #1: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #2: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #3: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #4: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #5: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #6: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax. Students’ presentations.
Week #7: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax. Students’ presentations.
Week #8: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax. Students’ presentations.
Week #9: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax. Students’ presentations.
Week #10: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax. Students’ presentations.
Week #11: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax. Students’ presentations.
Week #12: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax. Students’ presentations.
Week #13: Revision.
- Stiastna, Β., Le Français à travers l’histoire de France, University Studio Press, Thessaloniki, 2001 (Textbook)
- Tutor’s notes
- ENTRE NOUS 2 tout en un, méthode de français, EMDL, 2015
- Morsel, M.-H., Richou, C., Descotes-Genon, Ch., L’EXERCISIER, 600 exercices pour le B1-B2, (4e édition), Grenoble, PUG, 2018
- Antoniadis, V., Douillard, M.-L., Grammaire (Prépadelf niveau B1), Athènes, Trait d’Union, 2009
- Siouti, Α., Alikioti, A., Le grenier de la grammaire, Athènes, éd. Grigori, 2016
- French Magazine for historical studies L’Histoire (selected articles)
Lectures, task/action-oriented approach, work in small groups, use of audio-visual material, students’ presentations
- Εvaluation of the students’ presentations
- Evaluation of the active participation during the semester
- Written/oral examination at the end of the semester