The history of Europe is linked to the history of its cities. Urbanization, i.e. the increase in the number of cities and their population, was one of the most important factors in the creation of the European economic and cultural environment. The course is organized around three axes: the contribution of cities to the European rise from the 14th century and the development of urban habits, the comparison between two cities that were citizens of Venice (Corfu-Zadar), as well as the study of Corfu's particularities in terms of concerns the social, economic and cultural organization of the city of Corfu.
Upon completion of the seminar, the students will:
• Have understood the historical path of the emergence of cities as a central factor of European culture,
• Be able to form a clear picture of the elements that shaped the manifestation and texture of urban life in Corfu,
• Have access to comparative tools for studying the history of cities, and finally
• Gain awareness regarding historical research in the modern environment.
Week 1: The concept of the city
Week 2: The city and European civilization
Week 3: Urban habits (civiltà): how urban space is shaped
Week 4: Corfu Town I: Byzantium, Early Western Rulers
Week 5: Corfu Town II: Venice, France, British Protectorate
Week 6: Lecture by Professor L. Boric: aspects of the society and economy of Zadar
Week 7: Lecture by Professor L. Boric: Urabn habbits in Zadar
Week 8: City and urban production
Week 9: Lecture by Professor Aliki Nikiforou: Public Venetian ceremonies in the city of Corfu
Week 10: Lecture by Tenia Regakou and Maria Melenti: Religion and its rituals
Week 11: Student presentations: History, urban habits and memory I
Week 12: Student Presentations: History, Urban Habits and Memory II
Week 13: Recap – conclusions.
Suggested bibliography:
Αγοροπούλου-Μπιρμπίλη, Αφροδίτη, Η αρχιτεκτονική της πόλεως της Κέρκυρας κατά την περίοδο της Ενετοκρατίας, Αθήνα: χο, 1977
Νικηφόρου Testone Αλίκη (επιμ.), Κέρκυρα: ιστορία, αστική ζωή και αρχιτεκτονική, 14ος-19ος αι., Κέρκυρα : Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος "Κόρκυρα", 1994
Benevolo Leonardo, Η πόλη στην Ευρώπη, Αθήνα: Ελληνικά Γράμματα, 1997
Νικηφόρου-Testone Αλίκη, Δημόσιες τελετές στην Κέρκυρα κατά την περίοδο της βενετικής κυριαρχίας, 14ος-18ος αι., Αθήνα: Θεμέλιο, 1999
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