The lesson responds to the academic and future professional needs of the students. Working on texts from the book “Le français à travers l’histoire de France (French trough the History of France), students get in touch for the first time with texts with historical content concerning different historical periods. They get familiarized with the related language and terminology. They discover grammar elements typical for texts with historical content. Emphasis is given on the intercultural approach.
The aim of the lesson is the acquisition of the most accurate reading-comprehension competence. The texts used during the lessons concern the history of France, from the prehistorical period until the Middle Age so students get used to the terminology of this period. At the end of the course, students understand relatively easily the basic bibliography concerning the studied period and are able to learn more about it in French and from French perspective in other documents or even primary sources.
Week #1: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #2: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #3: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #4: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #5: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #6: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #7: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #8: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #9: Reading comprehension of text with historical content, content-based terminology, grammar, syntax.
Week #10: Students’ presentations.
Week #11: Students’ presentations.
Week #12: Students’ presentations.
Week #13: Revision.
- Stiastna, Β., Le Français à travers l’histoire de France, University Studio Press, Thessaloniki, 2001 (Textbook)
- Tutor’s notes
- ENTRE NOUS 2 tout en un, méthode de français, EMDL, 2015
- Bruneaux, J.-L., Les Gaulois expliqués à ma fille, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 2010
- Morsel, M.-H., Richou, C., Descotes-Genon, Ch., L’EXERCISIER, 600 exercices pour le B1-B2, (4e édition), Grenoble, PUG, 2018
- Antoniadis, V., Douillard, M.-L., Grammaire (Prépadelf niveau B1), Athènes, Trait d’Union, 2009
- Siouti, Α., Alikioti, A., Le grenier de la grammaire, Athènes, éd. Grigori, 2016
- French Magazine for historical studies L’Histoire (selected articles)
Lectures, task/action-oriented approach, work in small groups, use of audio-visual material, students’ presentations
PowerPoint, Internet, mail, e-books, virtual visits of historical places
- Evaluation of the students’ presentations
- Evaluation of the active participation during the semester
- Written/oral examination at the end of the semester