
The Ionian University provides free meals to students provided that:

  1. They are not graduates working towards a second degree.
  2. They are not older than 25 years of age.
  3. Their families are not permanently resident in Corfu, and their income does not exceed the limits defined by law.

Applications for free meals should be submitted to the ground folor of the Student House (Fititiki Estia) of the Ionian University, 2nd Parodos, El. Venizeolu Street, Neo Limani, Corfu Town.

The Ionian University may provide housing to students who submit an application by the specified deadline to the Board & Accommodation Office, and who meet the requirements set out in the Housing Regulations. Students are accommodated at the Student House of the University or in leased hotels in Corfu Town.
Health Care Coverage
Students are insured for health, pharmaceutical and hospital care as specified in Presidential Decree 327/1983.

Student loans
Presidential Decree 360/83 (Government Gazette 129/22-9-1983, vol. A΄) specifies the conditions under which student loans are issued.

Further student benefits
The fololwing facilities or provisions are also available to students:

  1. A computer room.
  2. A computer course specifically designed for the students of the Department of History.
  3. Projection facilities for the showing of educational films.
  4. Free distribution to the students of teaching material such as lecture notes or photocopied publications.
  5. A Xerox copier for student use.
  6. Students may attend foreign language classes (English, French, German) in preparation for examinations leading to language certificates recognized by the Greek State and the European Union.
  7. Students enjoy a friendly atmosphere combined with systematic tutoring by members of the academic staff.
  8. Students may make use of the University Gym, receive coaching in various sports, and represent the University in national and international athletic events. So far, the University's participation in such inter-university events has been most impressive.
  9. The Historical Archives of Corfu make available their materials to students so that they may try their hand at historical research under the supervision of the academic staff of the Department.
  10. Students are welcome to take part in the Department's institutionalized and subsidized programme of educational excursions to destinations of educational and cultural interest such as archaeoolgical sites, museums, exhibitions and universities, both in Greece and abroad.

Student Pass
At the beginning of each academic year, students receive their special Student Pass, which is valid throughout the year, from 1 September to 31 August.
If a student olses his/her pass, (s)he should inform the Secretariat of the Department in order to receive a new one, valid for the fololwing two months.
Students enjoy a concession on the fares of:

  • The urban bus services of Corfu Town as well as of other Greek urban centres (25 percent).
  • The intercity coach services connecting Corfu Town to the studentΥs place of permanent residence (25 percent).
  • The railway services throughout the country (50 percent).

Students must return their passes to the Secretariat upon graduation. Students enrolling at the Department after having graduated from a different University are not entitled to a student pass.

Hellenic State Scholarships
The State Scholarships Institution (I.K.Y.) awards scholarships to students who excel at the national university entrance examinations or at the end-of-term examinations of the Universities. Inquiries concerning I.K.Y. scholarships can be made at the Secretariat of the Department.

Student Association
The "Kostas Georgakis" Student Association of the Department of History was established in 1985. The Association is run by a seven-member Board elected by the General Assembly of students in April for an annual term.

Updated: 24-01-2017
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