Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών

Πρόγραμμα του διεθνούς συνεδρίου 10th Conference Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, Corfu, 27-29 May 2015

Δημοσίευση: 28-04-2015 16:48 | Προβολές: 2351

10th Conference Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, Corfu, 27-29 May 2015

(περισσότερες πληροφορίες στον σύνδεσμο http://xeee.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage/Corfu/ )

P r o g r a m m e

Wednesday 27 May 2015

08.30-09.00 Registration to the Tutorial - Venue: Corfu Historical Archives - Reading Hall

09.00-12.30 Georeference for non-experts [ see webpage ]
12.30-13.00 Break
Tutorial Group Photo
13.00-16.00 Georeference for non-experts

17.30-18.00 Registration to the Conference - Venue: Ionian University/ Ionian Academy - Aula Magna
18.00-20.00 Opening Ceremony, Welcome, Introduction, Distinctions
- ICA, Secretary General
- Ionian University, Rector
- Ionian University, Dean
- General State Archives of Greece, President
- ICA, Commission Chair
- Musical intermezzo for two guitars and a flute: Anna Zineli, flute; Thanos Goutos, Dimitris Soukaras, guitars - Students, Department of Music Studies, Ionian University
- Honorary Distinctions on the occasion of the 10th Jubilee of the ICA Commision Conferences "Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage"
- Ice breaking

Thursday 28 May 2015

08.00-09.00 Registration to the Conference - Venue: Ionian University/ Ionian Academy - Aula Magna

SESSION 1 - GLAM, Digital, Web - 1

09.00-09.15 ZENTAI L.: Cartactual, something special to preserve (and make publicly available) as a Cartographic Heritage: from paper
maps to Cartography 2.0
09.15-09.30 MONTANER C, R. ROSET: Maps, after all
09.30-09.45 LEVY-RUBIN M.: Creating a comprehensive digital map collection through international cooperation: maps of the Holy Land
09.45-10.00 VARDAKOSTA I., S. KAPIDAKIS: Suggestions for developing geospatial collections in Greek academic libraries
10.00-10.15 ŠOLAR R.: Map collections – how to survive?
10.15-10.30 BIDNEY M.: Rediscovering the Tira de Santa Catarina Ixtepeji
10.30-10.45 NOVOTNÁ E.: Search for digitized cartographic materials on the example of the TEMAP project
10.45-11.00 Discussion
11.00-11.15 Break

SESSION 2 - Aerial Photography

11.15-11.30 DUPONT H.: Experience with crowd sourcing historical aerial photographs and new use of this result
11.30-11.45 CALZAVARA M., F. CONTÒ, F. GUERRA, M. MAZZANTI, V. TSIOUKAS, P. VERNIER: Creation of DTM and orthoimage of Delos and Cephalonia Islands from old aerial photographs. A new approach.
11.45-12.00 RUBIN R.: Digital accessibility to early topographical maps and geo-referenced air-photographs of Israel
12.00-12.15 BALLETTI C., F. GUERRA, V. TSIOUKAS, P. VERNIER: A novel approach for the calibration and reuse of old camera images
12.15-12.30 Discussion
12.30-14.00 Lunch Break

SESSION 3 - Projections, Georeference

14.00-14.15 GEDE M., Á. BARANCSUK: Determining the projection of small scale maps based on grid line shapes
14.15-14.30 TSORLINI A., L. HURNI: Georeferencing old maps comparing available algorithms on different software applications
14.30-14.45 LAPAINE M.: Map projection reconstruction of the World map by Leonardo da Vinci
14.45-15.00 TRIPLAT HORVAT M., M. LAPAINE, D. TUTIĆ: Problems in standard parallels reconstruction
15.00-15.15 PŘIDAL P.: Crowdsourcing georeference. A case study on a national project
15.15-15.30 Discussion
15.30-15.45 Break

SESSION 4 Maps, Texts, Geoinformation

15.45-16.00 SIMON R., E. BARKER: Annotation of maps and geographic documents with Recogito
16.00-16.15 BOUTOURA C., D. ANOYATIS-PELÉ, D. EFTAXIA, E. LIVIERATOS: Links of maps and relevant textual data in early 19th century cartography of Greece. A digital case study for representations of Peloponnese
16.15-16.30 PACINA J., J. CAJTHAML: Landscape memories hidden in the map archives. From old maps to complete 3D landscape
16.30-16.45 ABSHIRE C., D. GUSEV, I. PAPAPANAGIOTOU, S. STAFEYEV: A mathematical method for visualizing Ptolemy's India in modern GIS tools
16.45-17.00 LAVINS I.: Mediterranean coordinates in “Kitāb Al Qānūn al-Mas‘ūdī” by al-Bīrūnī
17.00-17.15 CHODĚJOVSKÁ E., J. PACINA, J. POPELKA: How to understand the XVII-century-mappers? The 1st military survey of Bohemia transformed into a comprehensive information system
17.15-17.30 CRUCERU A. I.: Saac County during the Phanariote Regime (1716-1821). A historical and cartographical approach.
17.30-17.45 Discussion

Friday 29 May 2015

08.00-08.45 Registration to the Conference - Venue: Ionian University/ Ionian Academy - Aula Magna

SESSION 5 Processing, Interpretation

08.45-09.00 DE MAYER PH., Κ. DE COENE, Β. DE WIT, Κ. OOMS, Μ. VAN DEN BERGHE, S. VRIELINCK, T. WIEDEMANN, A. WINTER, I. DEVOS: Conceptual approach and implementation of a geographical database of early modern Flanders and Brabant
09.00-09.15 BUONORA P., S. LE PERA, P. MICALIZZI: Descriptio Urbis – A WebGIS to reconstruct urban landscapes of Rome
09.15-09.30 ARIOTI E., G. BITELLI, G. GATTA: Geomatic and archival sciences applied to the Gregorian Cadastre of Bologna (Italy) for analysis and representation of the XIX century urban arrangement
09.30-09.45 BALLETTI C., A. CEREGATO, C. GOTTARDI, F. RIZZI, A. VIANELLO: 3D digitization and web publishing of an ISMAR cartographic heritage: historical maps of Venice Lagoon
09.45-10.00 KOUSSOULAKOU A., ANDREANIDOU I.: On common ground: georeferencing a time-sequence of historic maps
10.00-10.15 NEMLIOĞLU KOCA, Y.: Digital analyses on extant examples of Turkish portolans
10.15-10.30 Discussion
10.30-10.45 Break

SESSION 6 Geographic Affinities

10.45-11.00 ANOYIATIS-PELÉ D., I. ATHANASOPOULOU, C. TSIAMIS: Cartographic heritage in the historical study of public health: the case of Mediterranean Lazzarettos
11.00-11.15 BUTEREZ C. I., A. POPA, R. GAVA, R. DUMITRU, A. GRUIA: On the trail of a legend. The legacy of Lady Neaga seen through historical maps
11.15-11.30 MIHALAKOPOULOS G.: Alexandros Massavetas’s “Going back to Constantinople-Istanbul: a City of Absences”: Mapping the past and the present through literature
11.30-11.45 GUZAUSKYTE E.: Student-driven, small-scale digital mapping projects in the Liberal Arts
11.45-12.00 PAPADIMITRIOU K.: Literary placenames of Skiathos. Georeferencing the short stories of Alexandros Papadiamantis.
12.00-12.15 SANJAYA E. G., D. A. S. SOERIA ATMADJA, A.B.HARTO: Designing symbols for multicriteria heritage buildings
12.15-12.30 Discussion
Conference Group Photo
12.30-14.00 Lunch Break

SESSION 7 GLAM, Digital, Web - 2

14.00-14.15 GUARDUCCI A., L. ROMBAI: Map collection of the Hapsburg-Lorraine Archives of Tuscany preserved at the Prague National Archives
14.15-14.30 GLIŠOVIĆ J.: General map of Yugoslav Countries (Karta Jugoslovenskih Zemalja) printed in Corfu and Salonica during the World War I
14.30-14.45 BOUTOURA C., N. PANTAZI, N. PLOUTOGLOU, M. PAZARLI, Ε. DANIIL, E. LIVIERATOS: Setting models of good practice for cartoheritage web providers. Implementation on the Historical Archives of Corfu map collection
14.45-15.00 KOZICA K., A. KUSMIDROWICZ-KROL: The Niewodniczański collection Imago Poloniae at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Selected problems of cataloguing, digital image capturing and preparing to accessibility in-situ and in the Internet (project draft).
15.00-15.15 Discussion
15.15-15.30 Break

SESSION 8 GLAM, Digital, Web – 3

15.30-15.45 MICHEV B.: Diverse approaches to digital preservation and access to historical maps in the Library Collection: A formula for
15.45-16.00 PLOUTOGLOU N., M. PAZARLI, DANIIL, N. BAMIDIS: On the hunt for a place for maps to stand in the Archives: thoughts and proposals to enhance the digital management of Greek cartographic heritage in the context of the General State Archives of Greece.
16.00-16.15 CABOARA M., S. TSANG: Access to antique maps: digital and intellectual paths
16.15-16.30 PŘIDAL P.: OldMapsOnline 2.0 search engine for maps
16.30-17.00 Discussion, Closing
17.15-18.00 Meeting of the ICA Commission on Map Projections (Chair: Miljenko Lapaine, mlapaine<at>geof.hr)

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